Thursday, March 29, 2012

Taylor: Pix from Zoo

Mr. G's pix of Day 4, Zoo trip

Peacock Tail Feathers

Side view of the same peacock 
Working on dance moves?

Feeding time

Pacing Tiger


Another tiger


Snow leopard


Art installation

Squirrel on the tracks

Black necked swam

Black swam




One of the grizzly sisters

One-winged bald eagle

Little Puffer

Wild lookin' flamingos

Adam: Day 4 pix

Katarina: Day 4

Jennifer: Pictures from Zoo

Cindy: Day 4 reflection and pictures

Going to the zooGoing to the zoo was an interesting expierence. I don't really enjoy zoos, i think its pointless to just watch animals. But i enjoyed it, it was fun going with my class mates and new people. My favorite part of this trip was when my friend Yiga aka Tenzin got her cherrro stolen by a bird. It was so funny, we were both laughing about it on the ride home. But just the look on her face made me laugh so hard i nearly cried an so was she but at the end the guy have her a new cherro. So it turned out to be an ok day, we got a churro and had a funny experience. The animals were lazy, they wouldn't really do anything. Most of them would just eat, sleep, and lay down were the sun could reach them, i was actually quiet sad for this animals. The security said that this animals were once wild an they have never been miss treated. But i don't believe it animals don't belong in a zoo, they belong free in the wild. But not every one thinks so and thats fine at least the animals get feed everyday an have the right care. Over all we got home safe and had a fun time enjoing eachothers compainy. :)